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Big prizes await you at ARCHIDEX 2023 Booth No. 9E062 & 9D061.
Grand Prize RM10,000 Interior Design (ID) package
2nd Prize is RM8,000 ID package
3rd Prize is RM5,000 ID package
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Grab the above prizes! Move Over to ARCHIDEX 2023, the international architecture, interior design and building exhibition in Malaysia. In line with the event theme, “Sustainability, Future Architecture & Well-being”, we’ll be there to guide you all about Move Over, an interior design e-commerce platform proven to give entrepreneurs extra income and home owners freedom of interior design choices. Check us out at our Booth No. 9E062 & 9D061.
Just “Move Over” and choose from over 200 life-changing interiors while on-the-go. Visit www.moveover.com.my or talk to us direct@ 016-301 6777